Fingerprinting Service and Info
Here is a list of acceptable documents that one must provide to the fingerprinting examiner before being fingerprinted. You can choose one of the following documents to provide proof of identity and all documents must be current and valid.
Driver’s License issued by a State or outlying possession of the U.S.
Commercial Driver’s License issued by a State or outlying possession of the U.S
Driver’s License PERMIT issued by a State or outlying possession of the U.S.
Commercial Driver’s License PERMIT issued by a State or outlying possession of the U.S.
State ID Card (or outlying possession of the U.S.) with a seal or logo from a State or State Agency
Federal ID Card with a seal or logo from a Federal Agency
Passport Book or Card
Permanent Resident Card / Green Card (I-551)
Enhanced Tribal ID Cards
Foreign Passports
Temporary Paper Licenses issued by Texas
Temporary Paper ID issued by Texas
The only exception to this rule will be for Hazardous Material applicants. The fingerprint examiner will only accept one of the following:
Commercial Driver’s License issued by Texas
Temporary Paper CDL issued by Texas
The public can obtain FD-258 cards and a variety of other FD cards by calling our office to make an appointment. (EXCEPT ON HOLIDAYS). We are not a live scan location and we do not submit fingerprints electronically. If you need immediate assistance call our office to schedule an appointment. ​
Pricing: Initial price is $50.00 for two cards then $10.00 per card thereafter.